How to check Reliance Industries folio number?
What is Reliance Industries Folio Number?
The Reliance Industries Folio Number is a unique identification number assigned to individual shareholders of Reliance Industries Limited.
The Folio Number is a 12-digit alphanumeric code which is assigned by the company’s Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA).
The Folio Number helps in tracking the shareholding pattern of each individual shareholder, including the number of shares held and the amount invested.
It is also used for communication with the shareholder, such as sending dividend warrants, annual reports, and other important documents related to the company.
The Folio Number is typically mentioned in all communication from the company, and shareholders are advised to keep it safe and handy for quick reference.
In summary, the Reliance Industries Folio Number is a unique identification number assigned to individual shareholders of the company, which helps in tracking their shareholding and facilitates communication with the company.
How to check Reliance Industries folio number?
There are three ways through which you can check your Reliance Industries Ltd unclaimed shares.
1. From the website of RTA ( Registrar and Transfer Agent )
Following are the steps to check unclaimed shares from the website of RTA
- Click here to visit reliance industries’ RTA website
- Now select ‘Reliance Industries’ from the given field.
- Select the form of shares you hold as physical.
- Enter your folio number. You can find it in your share certificate held in physical form.
- Finally, enter the security code and submit. All the dividend-related details will be displayed there.
See the given image.
2. From Contact details
For Securities held in Physical form, you can contact the RTA of Reliance Industries Ltd.
Details of RTA of RIL
KFin Technologies Limited (Formerly known as KFin Technologies Private Limited) Unit: Reliance Industries Limited
Selenium Tower B
Plot 31-32, Gachibowli, Financial District Nanakramguda, Hyderabad – 500 032
Toll-Free No: +1800 309 4001
Fax: +91-40-23114087
3. From Nodal Officer
To know about unclaimed shares, you can also talk to the Nodal Officer of the Company.
Following are the details and addresses of the Nodal Officer and Deputy Nodal Officer of Reliance Industries Ltd.
Nodal Officer | Address | |
Smt. Savithri Parekh | 3rd Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021 | |
Deputy Nodal Officer | ||
Shri Vivin Mally | 3rd Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021 | |
The Reliance Industries Nodal Officer for Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) cases is in charge of coordinating and making it easy for investors to get their unclaimed dividends, matured deposits, and other investments back, according to the rules and regulations set by the IEPF Authority.
The nodal officer is the main point of contact between the business and the IEPF Authority. It is his or her job to receive and process investor claims for refunds of unclaimed investments.
The nodal officer is also in charge of making sure that the business follows all of the IEPF’s rules and regulations and that the necessary disclosures and reports are sent to the right people on time and with the right information.
Overall, the nodal officer is a very important part of making sure that investors get the refunds they are due under the IEPF rules and that the company is able to meet its duties and responsibilities as a business.
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